The Children's Sleep Charity

Our Aims

Sleep deprivation can have a serious impacton emotional, physical and mental health, many families seeking our support are approaching crisis point. We offer a range of services from working directly with parents to training professionals in the NHS.

Our Work

Our work is based on the latest research and we have a team of experts who input into our training materials and courses. We believe in working in partnership with families and offer a gentle approach to making lasting changes to your child’s sleep patterns.

The Children's Sleep Charity offer:

  • Sleep clinics so that families can access one to one support.
  • Accredited sleep workshops for professionals and parents.
  • Sleep Tight training, a programme specifically for Family Support workers who can then offer sleep workshops within their localities.
  • Online sleep support for organisations, supporting family-friendly policies by providing employees the opportunity to access specialist sleep support.
  • Key note speakers at conferences.
  • Sleep Practitioner accredited training alongside experts from Sheffield Children's Hospital.
  • Bespoke packages for Clinical Commissioning Groups, corporate organisations and education settings.
  • Training delivered by highly trained and experienced sleep practitioners who also have a specialism in working with families with Special Educational Needs and Disability.
If you are interested in our services or would like to discuss supporting our work please email

Sleep and Diet

Diet can have an impact on sleep. It is important to be aware of food and drink that can help and hinder your child having a good night’s sleep.


Relaxation Tips for Bedtime

Relaxing can be easier said than done. This leaflet has useful tips to help you and your child unwind in the run up to bedtime.


How to Create a Calm Bedroom

The environment that we sleep in is important. Creating a calm bedroom can help to promote sleep. Find out how with these simple to follow tips.


Bedtime Routine

A good bedtime routine can help to support a better night’s sleep. Read our leaflet to get tips on creating a relaxing routine in the run up to bedtime
